Fflur Wyn


"Fflur Wyn’s singing was clear and beautifully articulated, and a natural acting instinct made her pivotal."


"Fllur Wyn sang Celia with sparkling coloratura"


"As well as clear diction, Wyn displayed a fine soprano voice – bright and supple but with a pleasing, steely quality in the upper register – and breathtaking technical control."

Financial Times

"Fflur Wyn's Flora is beautifully sung and convincingly petulant."

The Guardian

"Fflur Wyn is a charming Servilia."

The Telegraph

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This season, Welsh singer Fflur Wyn returns to Welsh National Opera for 1st Niece in Peter Grimes, and on the concert stage she once again joins the Royal Scottish National Orchestra for Carmina Burana, and performs with the BBC Concert Orchestra and National Orchestra of Wales.

Her operatic performances include 1st Niece Peter Grimes (Royal Danish Opera); Jemmy Guillaume Tell, Iphis Jephtha, Blonde Die Entführung aus dem Serail, and Dorinda in Handel’s Orlando (Welsh National Opera); Pamina The Magic Flute, Alice Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland, Vivetta L’arlesiana, and the title role in Lakmé (Opera Holland Park); Malinka The Adventures of Mr Broucek (Grange Park Opera); Barbarina Le Nozze di Figaro (La Monnaie); Lucia Rape of Lucretia (Potsdamer Winteroper); Woodbird Siegfried (Longborough Festival Opera); Esilena Rodrigo (Göttingen International Handel Festival); Celia Lucio Silla (Buxton Opera); Euridice Gluck’s Orfeo ed Euridice, Sophie Werther, Marzelline Fidelio, Susanna The Marriage of Figaro, Morgana Alcina, Servilia La Clemenza di Tito, Blue Fairy Pinocchio, Waldvogel Siegfried, Achsah Joshua, Gretel Hänsel und Gretel, Flora Turn of the Screw, Clerida Croesus, Giannetta L’elisir d’amore, Sophie Der Rosenkavalier, Fire / Nightingale / Princess L’enfant et les Sortileges and Trio Soprano Trouble in Tahiti (Opera North); Floriana in Leoncavallo’s Zazà (Opera Rara); Mimi in Offenbach’s Vert Vert (Garsington Opera); Nedda Pagliacci with the Cambridge Philharmonic; Michal Saul with the BBC Singers; and Celidora L’oca del Cairo with the London Mozart Players.

Fflur has worked with many great conductors including Sir Colin Davis, Sir Charles Mackerras, Seiji Ozawa, Sir Richard Armstrong, Harry Bicket, David Hill, Daniel Reuss, Thomas Zehetmair, David Parry, Christian Curnyn and Paul McCreesh, and has performed with the RIAS Kammerchor, Copenhagen Philharmonic Orchestra, Cappella Amsterdam, Royal Northern Sinfonia, National Symphony Orchestra of Ireland, Academy of Ancient Music, Dunedin Consort, The Gabrieli Consort, The English Concert, City of Birmingham Symphony Royal Scottish National Orchestras, Royal Philharmonic Orchestra, The European Union Chamber Orchestra, London Philharmonic Orchestra, Early Opera Group, La Nuova Musica, and at the Al Bustan International Music and London Handel Festivals.

This biography is for information only and should not be reproduced.

Jommelli: A Celebration, The Mozartists

Wigmore Hall (September 2024)

The main programme finished with another piece from Jommelli’s 1770 opera Armida abbandonata. ‘Misera Armida… Odio, furor, dispetto’ is sung as Armida’s palace collapses around her and she focuses her mind on exacting revenge. The aria is, however, quite multifaceted and Wyn succeeded in revealing a wide range of emotions, a feat made all the more remarkable by the fact that she stepped in to replace soprano Emily Pogorelc for the concert at very short notice.

Sam Smith, MusicOMH*****

Enter soprano Fflur Wyn who with remarkable virtuosity, killer sight-reading skills (presumably), superb aplomb, and a fabulous frock, sang the soprano solos… We began with 'Vidi il mar tutto in procella' from Ricimero re de' Goti (1740) sung by Fflur Wyn. A simile aria about navigating a storm, it was vividly virtuoso from the outset with Wyn performing with confident style and expressiveness… We ended with a return to the 1770 version of Armida abbandonata with Fflur Wyn giving us Armida's final scene. Again, what Jommelli gave us was an extremely fluid scene which moved between accompanied recitative, aria and arioso, and enabled Wyn to really demonstrate her commitment to the emotional drama of the piece.

Robert Hugill, Planet Hugill

Wagner Siegfried (Woodbird)

Longborough Festival Opera (June 2024)

Fflur Wyn’s beautifully acted, impeccably tuned Woodbird

Roger Parker, Opera Magazine

Fflur Wyn as the Woodbird, personifies an agitated bird with her fluttering eyelashes, quick movements and sweet voice.

Inge Kjemtrup, The Stage*****

Gluck Orfeo ed Euridice (Euridice)

Opera North (November 2022)

Fflur Wyn (Euridice) shines in the confrontation with Orfeo – “Why won’t you look at me? Don’t you love me?"

Ron Simpson, The Reviews Hub

Soprano Fflur Wyn sang creditably as Euridice, a role with rather limited opportunities to shine. In the aria ‘Che fiero momento’ Euridice conveys her sorrow at Orfeo’s possible unfaithfulness and Wyn demonstrated her attributes of warm tone and agreeable levels of sincerity and expression.

Michael Cookson, Seen and Heard International

Gluck Orfeo ed Euridice (Euridice), Chelsea Opera Group

Cadogan Hall (October 2022)

Fflur Wyn was a characterful Euridice, her full lyric soprano shining and glossy. […] she vividly conveyed Euridice’s passion, scorn, and sorrow.

Claire Seymour, Opera Magazine

Handel Theodora (Title role), Northern Aldborough Festival

(June 2022)

Fflur Wyn shares with her colleagues a notable record of Handelian experience, and her Theodora was strongly characterized as well as being beautifully sung. Their final farewell melted sight.

Melanie Eskenazi, MusicOMH*****

Janáček The Excursions of Mr. Brouček (Malinka/Etherea/Kunka)

Grange Park Opera (June 2022)

Brouček is surrounded by Janáček’s well-observed villagers, the painter Mazal (Mark Le Brocq), the bartender Würfl (Andrew Shore), and the Sacristan (Clive Bayley) with his daughter Málinka (Fflur Wyn)… The vocal writing is extremely demanding, not always quite logical, but brilliantly sustained by all.

Nicholas Kenyon, The Telegraph****

Fflur Wyn sings with accuracy and a thrilling shine in her three well-differentiated soprano roles.

Claire Seymour, The Stage****

Fflur Wyn convinced in both roles, as she did in her more serious impersonations in the second half.

Melanie Eskenazi, MusicOMH****

Bach St John Passion, The Academy of Ancient Music

The Barbican (April 2022)

The soprano Fflur Wyn bubbled with joy in her solo

Geoff Brown, The Times****

Mozart Cosi fan Tutte (Despina), Saffron Opera Group

Saffron Hall (February 2022)

As Despina, Fflur Wyn showed off her effortless talent for suggesting mischief simply by standing still and letting an arched eyebrow or minimalist hand gesture take the strain. Her soprano is now quite substantial, but agile and word-friendly, and she radiates vitality.

Alexandra Coghlan, Opera Magazine

Handel Alcina (Morgana), Opera North

(February 2022)

Fflur Wyn is charming as Alcina’s coquettish sister, Morgana, her showstopper Tornami a vagheggiar as easy as laughter

Alexandra Coghlan, The Telegraph

It was left to Fflur Wyn’s Morgana to bring a bit more life to the proceedings, and not just in her showpiece act one aria (which some Alcinas steal for themselves). She and Nick Pritchard’s Oronte provided the most touching performances of the evening.

Martin Kettle, The Guardian

As an unusually serious Morgana, Fflur Wyn is sympathetic as she spars with Nick Pritchard’s effectively befuddled Oronte.”

Neil Fisher, The Times

Fflur Wyn made a fiery Morgana, Alcina’s sister, and tore into her big aria ‘Tornami a vagheggiar’ with relish.

Martin Dreyer, Opera Magazine

(…) company favourite Fflur Wyn (Morgana) has never sounded so intensely dramatic

Ron Simpson, The Reviews Hub

Fflur Wyn, another company favourite, was a feisty and sympathetic Morgana, making the most of her showpiece aria, ‘Tornami a vagheggiar’.

Melanie Eskenazi, Music OMH

Fflur Wyn shone as Morgana, with a thrilling take on her aria Tornami a vagheggiar.

Gavin Engelbrecht, The Northern Echo

CD: Handel The Choice of Hercules (Pleasure), Gottingen Handel Festival

ACC26415 (September 2021)

Fflur Wyn, bright and youthful of tone, sings these with panache.

Richard Wigmore, Gramophone

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